Current Date:
Oron 20, Salgan 9, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(20th Day of the 9th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
Ships from the Overseas Provinces bring news that barbarians have again begun raiding outlying settlements in Kast Vyloresh Province. After the raids were not met with a strong enough response, a great horde of barbarians invaded the province, laying waste to all in their path.
Kast Vyloresh Province (Imperial Fortress Province) is named for the Imperial military fort there which is the largest Imperial military installation in the Overseas Provinces. The fortress itself is not yet besieged, but Imperial officers indicate that they are prepared for a siege. They are actually hoping for a siege because, as Gurikan Falan (Captain General) Ildanyva, the fortress commander, said, "If they try a siege, they will waste their strength. But if they ignore the fortress, we'll have a bigger problem because we don't have the strength to defeat such a huge horde of barbarians in open battle. There's at least ten thousand of them, probably more. I have requested assistance from Zekran, but it will take months to arrive. I hope they realize the seriousness of the situation. This is not just another raid. This is a war."
Civilians in the province were clearly panicking and fleeing across the river to Falanalish Province. All the ships in the port cast off and headed out to sea, crowded with refugees.