Oron 40, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40 Vylor Cledman VI
As tensions between Lord Chancellor Rubanya Cledman and other members of the Imperial Council appear to be rising, the response to the Lord Chancellor's decree granting control of Imperial Army garrisons to local Ulors has been chaotic and has led to bloodshed in more than one province.
Imperial Army troops from two different Verronese provinces are reported to be fighting each other in the town of Angenmar Paven, capital of Salan Kajakan Folon.
Rumors indicate well over a hundred soldiers lost in the fighting which centered around the palace of Ulor Tremalkan of Kajakan Folon. According to some sources, the soldiers were sent by Ulor Kortelan of Salan Kajakan Tros to remove Tremalkan from power, allegedly on orders from Lord Chancellor Rubanya.
It is said that Ulor Kortelan violently took control of the Imperial Army garrison in his province on orders from the Lord Chancellor, but that Ulor Tremalkan refused a similar order and for that reason the Lord Chancellor instructed Ulor Kortelan to remove him from power.
Other sources insist that Ulor Tremalkan did assume control of the Imperial Army garrison in his province as instructed by the Lord Chancellor.
It is further reported that Ulor Ziyan of Salan Kajakan Yost has refused the Lord Chancellor's order to take control of the garrison in his province. There is no indication that any action has been taken against him.
Other rumors indicate that soldiers were seen loading on navy transports in Yishil, but it is not clear what their destination is. Some speculate that they are headed to Verronia to remove Ulor Ziyan from power or Angenmar Paven to join the battle there. Still other rumors indicate that they may be bound for Zekran.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Rubanya Sets Up Temporary Capital at Yishil
Current Date:
Oron 21, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(21st Day of the 10th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
Rubanya Cledman, now declaring himself Imperial Regent has set up his headquarters at Yishil, the capital of Salan Slythia. Rumors are that Ulor Konigak of Slythia is neither cooperating nor hindering the Regent. The regent has control of the Slythia garrison and has begun issuing a blizzard of decrees.
The Regent ordered all Uloro to seize control of Imperial Army garrisons and to prepare to send troops outside their provinces. He has also dismissed from Imperial service all the soldiers in Zekran. Furthermore, he has issued decrees dismissing the Uloro of these 13 provinces: Frayethay, Kast, Uvinshakh Voint, Tanan, Flitran, Logoria, Sishan, Kikalan Tros, Kikalan Inuva, Lisal Koppa, Ravelonia, Baaniferan and Zurian. The Regent has appointed his son, Prince Durbanyva as Ulor of Frayethay, and Prince Durbanyva's three children as Uloro of nearby provinces. Prince Shalimuk was appointed Ulor of Kast, his younger brother Prince Nalimuk was appointed Ulor of Uvinshakh Voint, and his younger sister, Princess Evanit, was appointed Ulor of Tavan.
Oron 21, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(21st Day of the 10th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
Rubanya Cledman, now declaring himself Imperial Regent has set up his headquarters at Yishil, the capital of Salan Slythia. Rumors are that Ulor Konigak of Slythia is neither cooperating nor hindering the Regent. The regent has control of the Slythia garrison and has begun issuing a blizzard of decrees.
The Regent ordered all Uloro to seize control of Imperial Army garrisons and to prepare to send troops outside their provinces. He has also dismissed from Imperial service all the soldiers in Zekran. Furthermore, he has issued decrees dismissing the Uloro of these 13 provinces: Frayethay, Kast, Uvinshakh Voint, Tanan, Flitran, Logoria, Sishan, Kikalan Tros, Kikalan Inuva, Lisal Koppa, Ravelonia, Baaniferan and Zurian. The Regent has appointed his son, Prince Durbanyva as Ulor of Frayethay, and Prince Durbanyva's three children as Uloro of nearby provinces. Prince Shalimuk was appointed Ulor of Kast, his younger brother Prince Nalimuk was appointed Ulor of Uvinshakh Voint, and his younger sister, Princess Evanit, was appointed Ulor of Tavan.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Ulor Gefanin of Salan Glantogran resigns
Current Date:
Oron 19, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(19th Day of the 10th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
In an unexpected move, Ulor Gefanin of Salan Glantogran resigned. Glantogran province borders Helmarie, which recently declared independence and is near Aatan which also declared independence. With tensions running high in the region and the ancient animosity between the Tronds of Helmarie and the Red Hand tribes of Glantogran rekindled, there could not be a worse time for Glantogran province to be leaderless. Yet there is no Ulor Ekanor to step in so Glantogran remains leaderless until a new Ulor is appointed by the Imperial government which itself appears to be in some disarray.
Oron 19, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(19th Day of the 10th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
In an unexpected move, Ulor Gefanin of Salan Glantogran resigned. Glantogran province borders Helmarie, which recently declared independence and is near Aatan which also declared independence. With tensions running high in the region and the ancient animosity between the Tronds of Helmarie and the Red Hand tribes of Glantogran rekindled, there could not be a worse time for Glantogran province to be leaderless. Yet there is no Ulor Ekanor to step in so Glantogran remains leaderless until a new Ulor is appointed by the Imperial government which itself appears to be in some disarray.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Lord Chancellor Flees the Capital

Current Date:
Oron 17, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(17th Day of the 10th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
The Lord Chancellor, Rubanya Cledman, who is also the Imperial Crown Prince, fled the capital in a convoy of Imperial Navy ships due to concerns about his safety during unusual Imperial Army deployments in the capital. The Lord Chancellor was reportedly blocked by elite Imperial troops from entering the Imperial Palace to visit his ailing nephew, the Emperor.
The Lord Chancellor's convoy was seen heading West in the Glivo Trayakir (the Gateway Waters), but his destination is not known.
A series of letters have been received by some or possibly all of the Uloro of the provinces purportedly from the Lord Chancellor alleging a plot to assassinate the Emperor and place an usurper on the throne. The letter proclaimed the Lord Chancellor as Imperial Regent assuming all the powers of the Emperor. The letter allegedly dismisses the entire Imperial Army command in Zekran, appoints the Lord Chancellor as the new Imperial Army commander and gives the Ulor of each province authority to command Imperial troops in their province.
It is unclear who is in control of the Imperial Army. There are rumors that its commander, Gurikan Falanorata Krulmuk has been assassinated. Several phalanxes of Imperial troops from nearby provinces have been seen entering the city and phalanxes of the Zekran garrison that normally stay in their barracks have been seen guarding the city gates and the Imperial Palace.
Soldiers of the elite Kantora Ramoro have been seen guarding the Imperial Navy headquarters at Zekran.
Helmarie and Aatan Declare Independence!

Current Date:
Oron 24, Salgan 9, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(24th Day of the 9th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
On Oron 23, Salgan 9, Ulor Esinie declared the independence of Helmarie Province from the Zekresh Empire. Troops of the Imperial Army garrison in Helmarie appear to be supporting Ulor Esinie. Most of the troops are members of the Trond tribes as is Ulor Esinie and most of the population of the province. Members of the Glant Ogra tribes, traditional enemies of the Tronds, who live in Helmarie have begun preparing to defend themselves. Zekresh and Frayeth soldiers have been purged from the army units of the Helmarie garrison. After their dismissal, Zekresh and Frayeth soldiers reportedly went on a rampage across the countryside as they left the province. Verronese merchants began fleeing the provincial capital of Kast Foramyva within hours of the announcement.

The following day, Ulor Wanderjar of Aatan declared the independence of Aatan Province from the Zekresh Empire. The loyalty of the troops of the Imperial Army garrison in Aatan is unclear. Celebrations broke out in Renifar and people from across the province have been answering the Ulor's call for the formation of an "Aatanian" military. There are reports of thousands of volunteers.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Barbarians Attack Kast Vyloresh Province

Current Date:
Oron 20, Salgan 9, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(20th Day of the 9th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
Ships from the Overseas Provinces bring news that barbarians have again begun raiding outlying settlements in Kast Vyloresh Province. After the raids were not met with a strong enough response, a great horde of barbarians invaded the province, laying waste to all in their path.
Kast Vyloresh Province (Imperial Fortress Province) is named for the Imperial military fort there which is the largest Imperial military installation in the Overseas Provinces. The fortress itself is not yet besieged, but Imperial officers indicate that they are prepared for a siege. They are actually hoping for a siege because, as Gurikan Falan (Captain General) Ildanyva, the fortress commander, said, "If they try a siege, they will waste their strength. But if they ignore the fortress, we'll have a bigger problem because we don't have the strength to defeat such a huge horde of barbarians in open battle. There's at least ten thousand of them, probably more. I have requested assistance from Zekran, but it will take months to arrive. I hope they realize the seriousness of the situation. This is not just another raid. This is a war."
Civilians in the province were clearly panicking and fleeing across the river to Falanalish Province. All the ships in the port cast off and headed out to sea, crowded with refugees.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Emperor Rumored to be Ill
Current Date:
Oron 2, Salgan 9, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(2nd Day of the 9th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
Rumors in the capital say that Emperor Cledman VI is ill and was unable to attend today's Imperial Council meeting. Gossip from palace servants says that he's not really ill, but has a hangover from a party he attended at Vergriman House last night.
Oron 2, Salgan 9, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(2nd Day of the 9th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
Rumors in the capital say that Emperor Cledman VI is ill and was unable to attend today's Imperial Council meeting. Gossip from palace servants says that he's not really ill, but has a hangover from a party he attended at Vergriman House last night.
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