Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Rubanya Sets Up Temporary Capital at Yishil

Current Date:
Oron 21, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(21st Day of the 10th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)

Rubanya Cledman, now declaring himself Imperial Regent has set up his headquarters at Yishil, the capital of Salan Slythia. Rumors are that Ulor Konigak of Slythia is neither cooperating nor hindering the Regent. The regent has control of the Slythia garrison and has begun issuing a blizzard of decrees.

The Regent ordered all Uloro to seize control of Imperial Army garrisons and to prepare to send troops outside their provinces. He has also dismissed from Imperial service all the soldiers in Zekran. Furthermore, he has issued decrees dismissing the Uloro of these 13 provinces: Frayethay, Kast, Uvinshakh Voint, Tanan, Flitran, Logoria, Sishan, Kikalan Tros, Kikalan Inuva, Lisal Koppa, Ravelonia, Baaniferan and Zurian. The Regent has appointed his son, Prince Durbanyva as Ulor of Frayethay, and Prince Durbanyva's three children as Uloro of nearby provinces. Prince Shalimuk was appointed Ulor of Kast, his younger brother Prince Nalimuk was appointed Ulor of Uvinshakh Voint, and his younger sister, Princess Evanit, was appointed Ulor of Tavan.

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