Current Date:
Oron 24, Salgan 9, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(24th Day of the 9th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
On Oron 23, Salgan 9, Ulor Esinie declared the independence of Helmarie Province from the Zekresh Empire. Troops of the Imperial Army garrison in Helmarie appear to be supporting Ulor Esinie. Most of the troops are members of the Trond tribes as is Ulor Esinie and most of the population of the province. Members of the Glant Ogra tribes, traditional enemies of the Tronds, who live in Helmarie have begun preparing to defend themselves. Zekresh and Frayeth soldiers have been purged from the army units of the Helmarie garrison. After their dismissal, Zekresh and Frayeth soldiers reportedly went on a rampage across the countryside as they left the province. Verronese merchants began fleeing the provincial capital of Kast Foramyva within hours of the announcement.

The following day, Ulor Wanderjar of Aatan declared the independence of Aatan Province from the Zekresh Empire. The loyalty of the troops of the Imperial Army garrison in Aatan is unclear. Celebrations broke out in Renifar and people from across the province have been answering the Ulor's call for the formation of an "Aatanian" military. There are reports of thousands of volunteers.
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