Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ulor Gefanin of Salan Glantogran resigns

Current Date:
Oron 19, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(19th Day of the 10th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)

In an unexpected move, Ulor Gefanin of Salan Glantogran resigned. Glantogran province borders Helmarie, which recently declared independence and is near Aatan which also declared independence. With tensions running high in the region and the ancient animosity between the Tronds of Helmarie and the Red Hand tribes of Glantogran rekindled, there could not be a worse time for Glantogran province to be leaderless. Yet there is no Ulor Ekanor to step in so Glantogran remains leaderless until a new Ulor is appointed by the Imperial government which itself appears to be in some disarray.

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