Current Date:
Oron 17, Salgan 10, Adonsik 40, Vylor Cledman VI
(17th Day of the 10th Month, 40th year of the reign of Emperor Cledman VI)
The Lord Chancellor, Rubanya Cledman, who is also the Imperial Crown Prince, fled the capital in a convoy of Imperial Navy ships due to concerns about his safety during unusual Imperial Army deployments in the capital. The Lord Chancellor was reportedly blocked by elite Imperial troops from entering the Imperial Palace to visit his ailing nephew, the Emperor.
The Lord Chancellor's convoy was seen heading West in the Glivo Trayakir (the Gateway Waters), but his destination is not known.
A series of letters have been received by some or possibly all of the Uloro of the provinces purportedly from the Lord Chancellor alleging a plot to assassinate the Emperor and place an usurper on the throne. The letter proclaimed the Lord Chancellor as Imperial Regent assuming all the powers of the Emperor. The letter allegedly dismisses the entire Imperial Army command in Zekran, appoints the Lord Chancellor as the new Imperial Army commander and gives the Ulor of each province authority to command Imperial troops in their province.
It is unclear who is in control of the Imperial Army. There are rumors that its commander, Gurikan Falanorata Krulmuk has been assassinated. Several phalanxes of Imperial troops from nearby provinces have been seen entering the city and phalanxes of the Zekran garrison that normally stay in their barracks have been seen guarding the city gates and the Imperial Palace.
Soldiers of the elite Kantora Ramoro have been seen guarding the Imperial Navy headquarters at Zekran.
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